Intern with us

Dynamic Internships

Since inception in 2013, we are all about creating customized educational medical Placements in Sri Lanka that will make a difference! We are the experts in planning, building and managing medical Placement programs overseas by connecting university students and hospitals from all corners of the globe. We specialize in student Placements, Electives and internships focusing on Medical, Nursing, Midwifery, Dentistry and Physiotherapy.

At present, we are based in the beautiful island of Sri Lanka (aka ‘Pearl of the Indian Ocean’). We are lions at heart and the most hospitable to visitors. At Dynamic Internships, we care about your internship, elective, Placement, safety, health and the local community. It’s time you create your own story and memories that last for a lifetime!

Our Mission

We strive to give you the perfect customized Placement. We also work towards empowering the community by delivering benefits from our programs. As you will be taking the road less travelled, we know that you have the right to feel safe and secure by having all the information you want and whenever you want it. Each of us will have a story to share and by making a great decision to follow an overseas Placement program, we are proud to be on your side. Our mission is your safety. And, here’s how we do it.

Why Us

By following your chosen Placement with us, you will be helping a local community to prosper its resources by enabling money distribution from one end to the other end benefitting everyone along the way. We are a community-based program where we greatly empower people and their livelihoods. When you choose us, you will be directly and indirectly helping to develop local hospitals, farmers, local tourism, agriculture and other related industries. You’ll find yourself doing a great deed than you think!

We are a family-based and a completely transparent organization whilst being 100% accountable for all our actions. You don’t have to donate to the local community, as we have created the relevant programs and funds ourselves. Part of your payment will be going directly to the local hospitals to develop its services and buy essential needs.

Our Placements

Being on our Placement, Elective and Internship program in your chosen medical field will be a life-changing experience for you. No matter what part of the world you choose to serve, on our Placements you’ll learn so much more outside books. You will get hands-on training and first-hand experience of unfamiliar practices and environmental conditions, understanding the importance of social, cultural and religious influences, the different ways of delivering care and most importantly, a profound insight into what global health is all about.

Our carefully planned Placement, Elective or Internship program allow you to choose a destination of your preference and the area you want to intern. Based on that, we plan and customize a well-supervised Placement covering your requirements backed by an excellence-driven team of professionals.


Excited? We are too!

Just imagine being right there, doing what you love, observing and practicing local health methods with specialists! Be aware that these are mostly under-resourced hospitals in the developing world where there is a lack of equipment and high patient inflow. And, be prepared to do everything you can to deliver care with the little resources you have!

What do you gain from this?

Unlike other Placement programs, our international medical Placements give you many memories, skills and immense knowledge to take back home. From perfecting your clinical skills and expertise, growing self-confidence, developing your professional network to making yourself more qualified to potential employers, our Placement programs create a lasting impact on you as a person. When you sign up with us, you are also agreeing to explore more about yourself, make new friends on your chosen journey whilst making the most of everything you come across!

Voluntary healthcare placements and Experiential tours in Sri Lanka