When the following words are used, this is what they mean:

  • Application: your application form submitted or otherwise in respect of the Services;
  • Placement: the Placement that we are providing to you as mentioned in your Application
  • Price: the charge for providing our services in respect of every Placement you book (this does not include the Registration Fee);
  • Registration Fee: the charge to register you to receive our services;
  • Terms: the terms and conditions set out in this document; and
  • We/Our/Us: Dynamic Internships

Please ensure that you read these Terms carefully, and check that the details in your Application and in these Terms are complete and accurate before submitting your Application. If you think that there is a mistake or require any changes, please contact us to discuss it.

When you submit your application to us, this does not mean we have accepted your application for the Placement. Our acceptance of your application will take place as followed by a process. If we are unable to supply you with the Placement, we will inform you in writing or by telephone.

We will accept your application and these terms will become binding on you and us at the point at which both a) and b) have taken place:

  1. a) You pay the Registration fee to us; and
  2. b) We confirm in writing that we can provide you with the Placement at which point a contract will come into existence between you and Us.

We will provide you with accommodation and food at that accommodation for the Placement period. However, we are not able to:

  1. a) provide food away from the accommodation,
  2. b) provide food or accommodation if you travel away from your Placement, or
  3. c) provide alternative accommodation unless the accommodation we provide is in our opinion unsuitable.

For security reasons you are not allowed to invite or allow any person who is not a current member of Dynamic Internships to enter your accommodation without the express consent of the Dynamic Internships Programme Manager.


Following one of our Placement overseas carries with it a degree of risk and you must pay for and be protected by comprehensive travel insurance and professional indemnity insurance cover.

We will assist you with organizing your insurance but ensuring that you are covered is your responsibility and we accept no responsibility in the event of any loss, illness, injury or otherwise. You must obtain appropriate travel insurance to cover you for the period of your Placement and provide full details of this insurance to us. We strongly recommend that you obtain a fully comprehensive insurance policy covering,

  1. your repatriation and that of your belongings to your home address in the country of your residence;
  2. medical cover for the period of the Placement and your travel to and from the Placement between the country of your residence and the country the Placement takes place in;

iii. your death or personal injury;

  1. loss, theft or damage of your belongings or money;
  2. cancelled or delayed flights; and
  3. VISAS

We will provide help and advice on obtaining relevant visas and work permits for your Placement, but the issuing of these is at the discretion of the relevant authority and is beyond our control. We don’t accept responsibility if you are unable to obtain the relevant visas and work permits for your Placement. The visa and work permit requirements may change without notice and we take no responsibility for the consequences of a change in visa and/or work permit requirements.


Cancellation, rescheduling or amendment of your Placement must be notified to us in writing, either by post or email. Our overseas staff can provide help and advice on amendments and cancellations, but a verbal agreement will not represent a change to your contract with us and you must contact us directly.

Mention the penalty costs and reimbursement rates


Subject to these terms, we will supply the Placement to you on the date agreed between us. However, there may be delays or cancellations due to an event outside our control and due to other events.


We will do our very best to minimize changes and cancellations. By participating in our Placement, you agree to any changes that in our reasonable opinion are necessary. We will inform you promptly if changes do arise.


We are here to help you and our staff will do their best to provide the highest quality of service. However, if there is a complaint, reach out to the Dynamic Internships in-country Programme Manager responsible for your Placement. This person will have the best understanding of your local situation, and will do their best to help you;


The cost of the Placement will be set out in our price list and we will confirm your Placement upon payment. Our prices may change at any time and we will keep you informed. The cost of the Placement does not include your flights which you must book and pay for separately.


You agree to keep confidential all sensitive information and patient records disclosed to you during your Placement.

Whilst at the hospitals and/or other institutions hosting your Placement you agree to be bound by their rules, regulations and policies.

We shall take appropriate action depending on the seriousness of your actions which may include:

  1. a) Suspending you from your work at your Placement either temporarily whilst we investigate further or permanently; or
  2. b) Warning you by letter that, unless the matter is resolved by following our lawful instructions, we will suspend you from your work at your Placement either temporarily whilst we investigate further or permanently.